Thought Leadership by WorkDove

Individual Performance Plans (IDP)+ for WorkDove

Regardless of the industry or role, every professional desires a clear path to growth. Passively managing employees without investing in their career or developing their strengths will most likely result in low engagement, dissatisfaction with their work, and, eventually, resignation. WorkDove just announced a new app, the Individual Development Plan (Plus), or IDP+, to fulfill your employee development needs. Perhaps you have already implemented IDPs at your own organization, but you are finding they are manual and uninspiring for the manager and the employee. WorkDove’s IDP+ transforms your development plan into a modern coaching tool that empowers employees along their entire journey. No more paper development plans! What Makes IDP+ Effective? Development and Improvement Plans IDP+ allows you to create development plans that target specific development areas, like leadership or conflict resolution, and establish clear action items. The customizable format also highlights what success in each development area looks like so employees have something tangible to strive toward. The IDP+ improvement plans document areas of concern, observations, and goals for both manager and employee to revisit and discuss often. Talent Profiles The talent review card showcases each employee’s strengths, values, risks, and opportunities in a holistic, easy-to-read visual snapshot. These talent profiles are designed to grow and change like your employees. Manager Notes Individual development plans are designed to serve employees and are also an effective coaching tool for managers. Manager notes allow your people leaders to keep private notes about employees’ progress all in one place without the risk of lost progress or knowledge transfer if/when restructuring happens. IDP+ gives managers ownership of their direct reports’ development and encourages them to refine their unique talents actively. Investment in professional development can make or break an individual’s experience with their organization. Give your employees the gift of inspiring, talent-driven professional development. Because that is what every employee deserves! Request A Demo!

Introducing 9-Box Talent Review Calibration

9 box Talent Calibration We recently announced a new feature within our popular 9 box software: calibration review. The calibration review further champions the importance of conversation amongst colleagues and allows for those conversations to happen before finalizing the 9 box placements.  Calibration review is a process that aims to make placements consistent across managers, departments, and job levels, which will lead to an effective 9 box talent review and leadership succession planning process. What is the 9 Box Application? A 9 box grid is a leadership succession planning tool that is used to evaluate and plot a company’s talent pool based on two factors, which most commonly are performance and potential. Typically, the horizontal axis is ‘performance’ which is often measured by performance reviews. The vertical axis is ‘potential’ which refers to an individuals’ potential to grow one or more levels in a managerial or professional capacity. Our recommendation is to measure both performance objectives and core values (workplace behaviors) in performance reviews (see how leading organizations are using the 9 box grid alongside the Performance-Values Matrix), thereby making the x-axis of the 9 box serve as the Total Performance Score, or the combined score of performance and values. This leaves the y-axis, or the ‘potential’ axis to be determined based on discussions amongst a group of leaders who can more subjectively assess and decide on the individual’s potential. Why Does Leadership Succession Planning and a 9 Box Talent Review Matter? Succession planning is the process of identifying and coaching potential future leaders. It has an important role to play in the overall long-term success of a company. Often, it can be an area of strategic planning that gets overlooked and placed on the back burner. We know that well-executed succession planning and 9 box talent review helps organizations make better decisions. When done well, it is a powerful tool to help assess if team members are in the right seats and help develop high potential employees for growth within the organization. Using visual tools like the 9-Box grid is a great way to assist in recognizing team members who show both great performance and potential. The Importance of the 9 Box Calibration Review The 9 box application was designed with drag and drop capabilities that allow leaders to place an employee in the appropriate box (potential gem, star, etc.) and include notes as to why they chose that placement. Calibration means that these placements can be made prior to conversations with fellow leaders, and then leaders can update the placements if necessary after the conversations occur. The idea behind calibration is that 9 box placement is subjective.  Therefore intentional leadership discussions are necessary to avoid subjectivity and potential bias, while ensuring the accuracy of placements. Why Is 9 Box Not Automated? Competitors in the marketplace attempt to automate the leadership succession planning and 9 box talent review process by placing employees in boxes based on highly subjective data. We believe this is dangerous and ill-informed.  Potential cannot be easily quantified. It is far too nuanced and nebulous. One leader’s experience may be vastly different from another’s with the same employee purely based on personality or circumstance. Automating the process entirely creates a large margin for error by not accounting for bias and ultimately removing the most critical component to effective leadership succession planning: healthy conversations. There is no amount of automation that can make a solid case for removing the human component from this process. WorkDove’s 9 box application makes leadership succession planning simple, while calibration makes it fair and informed. Click here

D.E.E.P. Rooted Core Values Our most recent webinar focuses on the importance of core values.  This was Part 2 of the Culture Matters Series, a webinar series that tackles the topic of intentional vs. unintentional culture. In the form of an acronym, we be covered how your organization can have D.E.E.P.-rooted core values and we discussed: Defining core values Encouraging “on-value” behaviors Examining values regularly Performance evaluation of values Want to share the presentation with your teammates? Download a PDF of the webinar below! Download The Presentation

A Step by Step Guide to Performance Reviews That Don’t Suck

Though we may feel we have advanced past the basics of a performance review, in reality, many organizations and their managers still struggle with making this experience a helpful and productive one versus an ineffective and sometimes demoralizing one. Just like a sports team consistently runs drills and fundamentals to stay sharp and at the top of their game, HR Professionals, managers, and employees alike must be reacquainted regularly with the fundamentals of building, conducting, and administering an ROI and data-producing performance review conversation.  Continuing education for performance management is a real thing! In this webinar, you will learn: 1) What should and should not be included in a performance review 2) A step-by-step talk track for managers when conducting the review, and 3) How to set the stage for the next steps, so the review is a “jumping-off point” for the future of the organization AND the employee. We know that time and investment can be challenging for these which is why our primary goal is to the power in your hands! You can download the slides here. Request A Demo

The Manager and Employee Relationship

Our most recent webinar focuses on the manager and employee relationship. Having a healthy and happy organization is largely dependent upon the manager-employee relationship. Not only does it lead to a more productive workplace, but it also helps retain valuable employees and foster growth inside the organization We covered the What, Why, and How to implement for better relationship management as well as provided actionable takeaways to: Plan and protect your time together Set appropriate expectations (clear definitions makes you a better manager!) Praise and recognize Want to share the presentation with your teammates? Download a PDF of the webinar below! Download The Presentation Ready to speak with someone from our sales team about how to custom build your WorkDove platform with our amazing applications and integrations! Request A Demo

Performance Culture is now WorkDove!

On Tuesday, February 1st, we officially rebranded to WorkDove. You can read more about it in our press release below as well as a couple of links to local news coverage as well! Performance Culture Announces Rebrand to WorkDove Bringing Peace to the Workplace   [Durham, NC, 2/1/2022]. WorkDove, a leading performance and talent management platform, announced today that it has completed a major rebranding initiative. WorkDove’s rebranding represents the growth the company has experienced after receiving an investment in late 2020 and a refresh of its core platform and apps, opening up new markets with more specific needs. WorkDove is proud to unveil its new name, and most importantly, a more modern performance management platform built for today’s workplaces. “The name Performance Culture and our legacy platform served us well, and in fact, is the reason we are here today.  It built a solid foundation for us to serve and learn from our clients, and allowed us to fuel product enhancements that are more relevant and game-changing for the modern workplace,” said CEO Melissa Phillippi. “I have never been more excited about the direction WorkDove and our team is heading.  Our new name, look, and platform will allow us to better serve and represent our diverse and modern client base for many years to come.  After years of chaos and turmoil in the world, we are thrilled to help usher in a new era of the workplace – one of peace, stability, and personal growth.” Visit to explore the new brand and website. About WorkDove Founded in 2015 in Wilmington, NC, WorkDove is a people management software that brings peace to the workplace through better employee and manager Check-Ins, performance reviews, goal management, succession planning, and more.   Now headquartered in Durham, NC, WorkDove serves clients across the globe including Andersen Windows and Doors, Vaco, the North Carolina Biotechnology Center, and Quinnipiac University.  WorkDove is powered by Jurassic Capital.   Grepbeat WRAL Techwire

Quantum Workplace Acquires WorkDove