Thought Leadership by WorkDove

Conducting A 360 Review: How, Why, and Best Practices

The success of 360 reviews is largely defined by how well an organization defines its purpose, sets the review timeline, communicates to its employees, and structures the 360 forms. This blog provides additional details on how to facilitate a review well and includes an option to download free 360 templates.

Performance management in manufacturing: hiring and retaining top talent

Performance Management in Manufacturing: Hiring and Retaining Top Talent

The manufacturing industry is facing a talent crisis, with over 70% of industry leaders finding it a top challenge in managing the production workforce. The challenges include finding talent, retaining talent, tracking performance metrics, establishing and tracking long-term goals, measuring employee engagement, and embracing core values/workplace behaviors.

Performance Review Calibration: What, Why, and How

Performance Review Calibration: What, Why, and How

Performance review calibration is a best practice observed by high-performing teams. It aims to agree on a performance evaluation standard to ensure managers choose ratings that most accurately represent the employee’s efforts.

Screenshot of WorkDove 360 template

360 Degree Feedback Templates and Questions

The 360 review process gathers insights about an individual’s performance from supervisors, peers, and external stakeholders for the purposes of coaching and development. Forbes states that more than 85% of all Fortune 500 companies use the 360 degree feedback process as a cornerstone of their overall leadership development process.

WorkDove Check-In templates

4 Check-In Templates to Enhance Conversation

ncrease employee satisfaction and performance with productive 1:1 meetings that align expectations, track progress, and keep a pulse on employee sentiment. Performance check-ins improve accountability across the organization by providing real-time visibility into completion of tasks and important coaching conversations.

Performance management best practices photo

Performance Management Best Practices & Examples

Ongoing performance management leads to heightened productivity, enhanced motivation, and meeting primary objectives. Only 3% of organizations consider their performance management excellent, but 48% believe it requires improvement.

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