Performance Management

Performance Management in Telecom: Tackling Talent Challenges

Performance Management in Telecom: Tackling Talent Challenges

The telecom industry is largely responsible for how our world effectively communicates. Telecom employees are highly valued as their efforts contribute to cutting-edge technology and services that shape our future and define our past. It is imperative that these employees are engaged, motivated, and developed even amidst industry challenges.

Understanding Stack Ranking: Definition, Pitfalls, and Best Practices

Stack ranking is a performance evaluation method that measures employees against one another and forces them into categories of top, middle, and bottom performance.
Positives of stack ranking include that it celebrates high-performers and reduces potential bias. Potential downfalls of stack ranking include unhealthy competition, an absence of core values assessment, it can create an anxious workplace, there is often a lack of consideration of additional performance factors, and it can lead to high turnover costs.
Best practices include transparency and fairness, clear performance expectations, and communication.

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HR Spotlight- Peoples State Bank

Peoples State Bank used WorkDove to create cultural change through the Ideal Team Player method. Learn the WorkDove apps they used to succeed!

Mid-Year Review Examples (and Free Download)

Mid-Year Review Examples (and Free Download)

A mid-year performance review is a conversation that occurs every 6 months. It provides crucial conversations sooner, aligns employees and managers, and sets performance reviews up for success. It is an excellent time to talk through how the employee is meeting- or not meeting- performance expectations and displaying workplace behaviors/core values.

Performance management in manufacturing: hiring and retaining top talent

Performance Management in Manufacturing: Hiring and Retaining Top Talent

The manufacturing industry is facing a talent crisis, with over 70% of industry leaders finding it a top challenge in managing the production workforce. The challenges include finding talent, retaining talent, tracking performance metrics, establishing and tracking long-term goals, measuring employee engagement, and embracing core values/workplace behaviors.