Thought Leadership by WorkDove

Talent Development Basics: Definition, Examples, and Strategies

Talent Development Basics: Definition, Examples, and Strategies

Talent development is the commitment to offering employees opportunities for growth and learning that are strategically aligned with the organization’s mission and vision. The purpose of these development efforts is to increase productivity, improve employee engagement, and ultimately produce better business results.

Goals/OKRs in Performance Reviews

How to Make Goals/OKRs Part of Performance Reviews

Collaboration between managers and employees, creating SMART goals, tracking goals throughout the review cycle, measuring goal progress in performance reviews, and utilizing a goal management platform are the best ways to make goals/OKRs a part of performance reviews.

Conducting A 360 Review: How, Why, and Best Practices

The success of 360 reviews is largely defined by how well an organization defines its purpose, sets the review timeline, communicates to its employees, and structures the 360 forms. This blog provides additional details on how to facilitate a review well and includes an option to download free 360 templates.