Thought Leadership by WorkDove

Mid-Year Review Examples (and Free Download)

Mid-Year Review Examples (and Free Download)

A mid-year performance review is a conversation that occurs every 6 months. It provides crucial conversations sooner, aligns employees and managers, and sets performance reviews up for success. It is an excellent time to talk through how the employee is meeting- or not meeting- performance expectations and displaying workplace behaviors/core values.

Goals, KPIs, and OKRs blog graphic

How To Use Goals, KPIs, and OKRs With Examples

Tracking tangible business efforts is crucial for achieving overall business success. Goals, KPIs, and OKRs are three major tracking methods that can be used in isolation or in tandem. Best practices for embracing goals, KPIs, and OKRs include tracking metrics at every organizational level, partnering with a reliable goals software, and including goals in performance reviews and one-on-ones.

How to Build a Values-Based Employee Recognition Program

How to Build a Values-Based Employee Recognition Program

Employee recognition programs are a process by which positive employee behaviors and achievements are celebrated and rewarded. To create a values-based employee recognition program, organizations should decide on their company’s core values and incorporate them into performance reviews.

Company Culture: What It Is And How To Improve It

Company Culture: What It Is And How To Improve It

Though the hard and fast definition of company culture has many variations, common threads are woven among them all. At its foundation, company culture is a set of shared values and behaviors that determine employee workplace interactions.

SMART Goals blog graphic

SMART Goals: Explanation and Examples

SMART goals incorporate an acronym to help organizations note beneficial business markers and move from the theoretical to the practical. The ‘smart’ acronym encourages each goal to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. SMART goals differ from OKRs in that goals detail the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ to the goal being accomplished.