What would you rather hear from your manager: “Can I help?” or “How can I best help you?” One invites a yes or no answer, while the other is a more specific request. In a past work experience, I was lucky to have a manager who asked the second question. If your manager is asking questions like the second one, they most likely are engaging in other great management practices.
I’d like to share my personal experience with a manager who was also a leader and mentor.
Creating a Culture of Trust
At this organization, trust was the foundation of my relationship with my manager. Respect was present in all actions, which showed me that she genuinely cared for my professional growth and well-being remember after presenting a piece of training, my mentor gave me a note saying how she was grateful to have had the opportunity to work and learn alongside me. I placed it where I could see it daily, as a reminder and encouragement. It may not have been a significant gesture for my manager; however, to me, she was building a foundation of trust in our relationship.
Where there is no trust, there is likely to be a lack of innovation and autonomy. Research shows that employees who feel trusted perform better at work, stay with employers longer, and are significantly more innovative. On this team, I felt safe to be creative and challenge myself because I did not fear I would make a mistake. I knew that errors were how we learn and grow. This can only happen with a strong foundation of trust.
Passing the Positivity
“It’s going to be great.” These were the words my manager used that motivated me and others on the team. Complaining about getting something done was not an option; instead, it was about finding solutions. An optimistic outlook, paired with a calm, stable demeanor, creates a culture of productivity. I can recall the first meeting we had. Excitement radiated from her. She was happy to share her passion with me. This feeling of joy was contagious and brought feelings of opportunity. So, next time you feel like things just aren’t going the way you had hoped, remember, “It’s going to be great!”
Clearing the Path Creates Opportunities
Management (or rather, leadership) is about recognizing a need and opening the way for people to perform at a higher level. My mentor valued helping me remove obstacles that stood in my way. She created a culture of learning that ultimately allowed me to develop my talents by having weekly 1:1 check-in meetings to discuss my progress and next steps.
Do you have a great manager story?
-WorkDove Team Member
How WorkDove Turns Managers Into Leaders
The right performance management platform encourages great managers to become even better leaders and mentors. Powerful, yet simple software that streamlines processes gives managers more time to focus on what matters most: the people they are coaching and developing.
WorkDove aids managers by helping them identify top performers, increase team engagement, and foster an environment of trust and positivity. Interested in allowing your managers to become pivotal leaders for their employees? Contact WorkDove today!