4 Check-In Templates to Enhance Conversation

WorkDove Check-In templates

Increase employee satisfaction and performance with productive 1:1 meetings that align expectations, track progress, and keep a pulse on employee sentiment. 

Performance check-ins improve accountability across the organization by providing real-time visibility into completion of tasks and important coaching conversations. According to Forbes, employees who feel their voices are heard are 4.6 times more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work. Documenting and tracking 1:1 meetings between managers and employees allows employee sentiment to be addressed while elevating the employee’s voice in the process. Performance check-ins that occur on a frequent basis improve performance and productivity and increase overall employee engagement.

4 Performance Check-In Best Practices

One-on-one meetings between employees and managers can range from overcomplicated and overdone to nonexistent. A healthy balance is found in consistent, scheduled 1:1s that discuss the employee’s accomplishments and needs. Before utilizing our templates below, it is important to implement the following best practices for maximum effect. 

1. Always Document Check-Ins

Providing a brief summary of the check-in conversation allows for the employee and the manager to refer back to important notes from their past discussions in the future. Documentation ensures that employee growth is tracked and historical trends are monitored. Taking note of the one-on-one, ideally in a performance check-in software tool, shows the employee that their leader and company value their growth and development. 

2. Conduct Check-Ins Monthly

While it is important to remember that performance check-ins should naturally fit into daily workflows, a recommended best practice is for managers to hold scheduled 1:1 meetings once a month for each direct report. This cadence helps crucial conversations to happen sooner and performance issues to be tackled in a timely manner. If this feels overwhelming, keep in mind that best-in-class check-in conversations should be no more than 20 minutes when done well! 

3. Include Employee Sentiment in Check-Ins

Capturing employee sentiment is a powerful way to bring a deeper level of humanity to the work environment. Gauging sentiment can be done in various ways but WorkDove recommends incorporating a range for the employees to choose from, such as Not Okay to Great. This practice gives managers insight into how to best care for their employees and proves to employees their organization values them as people over performers. 

4. Make Check-Ins Employee-Led

The most productive 1:1 meetings are initiated by employees. While the manager will always remain in the coaching seat, conversations that are prompted by the employee’s questions or concerns allows their voice to be heard while giving the manager the ability to listen, take notes, and respond accordingly.

Performance Check-In Templates

Above you can download any of our templates and improve your performance check-in discussions today!  And if you would like to schedule a short call to discuss WorkDove’s application, click below to chat with one of our experts!

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