
WorkDove is built on a cloud infrastructure designed to maximize availability, reliability, and security.


Data Security: WorkDove goes beyond industry standard management practices in ensuring your data is secured at all times.  In the unlikely event a security incident occurs, the application will be taken offline until the issue is resolved.  Affected customers will be notified within 72-hours once the security incident has been confirmed.

Backups: Multiple backups of all app data are securely made daily to both on and offsite locations.

Scalability: WorkDove is a distributed cloud-based system, which means that scalability can be achieved by simply adding capacity as needed.

Uptime: Our hosting provider uses commercially reasonable efforts to make our application available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage of at least 99.95%.

Encryption: all data transfer is encrypted with SSL at each transfer stage.

Protection: all data storage is password protected and secured behind firewalls.

Passwords: all passwords are hashed and encrypted before being stored. No plain-text passwords are ever stored for any user accounts.

Visit our Security Q&A page for additional information (password protected).

Quantum Workplace Acquires WorkDove